The Bible lied! God created woman first, not man – Mr. Logic - KAMENOEMPIRE.COM

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Monday, November 20, 2023

The Bible lied! God created woman first, not man – Mr. Logic

 Since Eve was created from Adam’s rib, it has long been believed that the story found in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 is the basis for the creation of humanity and that man was the first human.

Since Eve was created from Adam’s rib, it has long been accepted that the story found in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 is the basis for the creation of humanity and that man was the first person to be created by God.

Mr. Logic asserts that God made the earth in accordance with His own nature. God did not create woman before man. He declares with conviction that “the Bible lied” and emphasises that “God is 80% more like a woman than a man… Prior to creating men, God created women.

Mr. Logic’s nontraditional perspective casts doubt on the widely accepted notion that humans originated with man. He says that in analysing God’s creation, one should not rely only on the Bible but also integrate one’s own knowledge and understanding.

He challenges the conventional narrative of Adam and Eve’s creation by arguing that the Earth, which is frequently regarded as the Lord’s creation, is a symbol of a woman.

“If you want to know about the creation of God, don’t go into the book because the book is an abridged version,” he asks in a poignant question. Utilise the book and your understanding of creation.

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